Category Archives for "Publications and Links"

Mar 09

High-Performance Rail Option for Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Major Reports


Transport Action Ontario, in conjunction with the Save VIA citizens’ committee of St. Marys, Ontario, has released an expert discussion paper on high-performance rail passenger service.  It calls on Canada’s new federal government to seriously investigate and consider the high-performance rail approach as a means of quickly and affordably improving VIA’s Quebec-Windsor Corridor service, fighting climate change and stimulating the economy.


A short brochure summarizing the report can be viewed at this link:TAO HPR Brochure 2016-03

The full report can be viewed at this link: TAO HPR Discussion Paper Final Revised 2016-03-09




Jan 30

VIA 1-4-10 Plan: A Recovery Strategy for Canada’s Rail Passenger Service

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports

Transport Action Canada and its regional associations, including Transport Action Ontario,  are pleased to release our nation-wide blueprint for the revival of VIA Rail Canada.  It demonstrates how the new federal government can turn VIA around and make it a modern, more frequent and highly useful public transportation service at a reasonable cost over a period of 10 years.  The plan also outlines how improvements can be made to a number of VIA services – including Southwestern Ontario and on the North Main Line – within one year.

We have also produced a two-page infographic summarizing the report and its recommendations for the Windsor-Quebec corridor. 


Jun 10

Developing Higher Speed Electric Railways Across Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports



Dr. Avrum Regenstreif, long time member and colleague of Transport Action Ontario, has completed a report on developing higher speed electric railways across Canada.  it is intended as a backgrounder to foster discussion and it offers one possible long term vision on development of higher speed electrified railroads in Canada.  While Transport Action Ontario has long supported railway electrification, the details of how this is to be achieved as expressed in this report are the opinion of the author, and are not the official position of Transport Action Ontario.


We welcome feedback on this important topic.


The report can be viewed here:  TAO-HSR-Paper-Final2015-06




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