Transport Action Ontario is a regional division of Canada’s leading citizen transportation advocacy group, Transport Action Canada. We represent the interests of passengers and users of public transport services in Canada. Here are some of the main issues that our advocacy work revolves around:
- the development of rail passenger services in Canada;
- the future of inter-city bus services and their connectivity to rail and air services;
- urban and commuter transit systems;
- the implications to consumers of the deregulated airline industry in Canada;
- the impact on the public interest of demands for new highway spending
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Ontario Policy Brief – Passenger Rail in Southern Ontario
With the upcoming Ontario election, February 27, 2025, Transport Action Ontario has prepared a policy brief on increasing investment in[...]
Updated Bear Train business case released
After a ten-year hiatus in passenger service, the Mask-wa Oo-ta-ban (Algoma Bear Train) may be poised to begin weekend-only operation[...]
Truck Toll Discount on Highway 407 – Feasibility Study
Highway 413, a proposed new expressway northwest of Toronto, continues to be a very controversial project with residents. Transport Action[...]
Support for Detroit-Windsor Passenger Rail Link
Transport Action Canada and Transport Action Ontario have jointly issued a letter of support to the Federal government for a[...]
Stop the 413 – Briefing to MPs
Transport Action Ontario is a core member of the "Stop the 413 Now" alliance of community groups and individuals based[...]
GTHA Transit Summit, Sept. 4, 2024
Don't forget to register for an exciting and informative GTHA Transit Summit, presented by our colleagues at Transport Futures. There[...]