Dec 18

Statement by “Move the GTHA” on Transit Investment Panel Report

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit



On December 12, 2013, the Ontario Transit Investment Strategy Advisory Panel, chaired by Anne Golden, issued its final report.  It made 20 recommendations for how new transportation projects in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) should be funded.


As a part of the Transit Panel’s public consultation process, the Move the GTHA collaborative, which includes Transport Action Ontario,  made a submission to the Panel, shown as another posting on this website.


Move the GTHA compliments the Panel for its excellent work under a short timeline, and for recommending a combination of funding sources that will raise a much needed $1.7 to $1.8 billion annually when fully implemented.


With the reports by Metrolinx and the Panel now in hand, Move the GTHA calls upon the Ontario Government and the opposition parties to work constructively to arrive at a resolution on transportation funding sources.

View the full statement here.

Nov 26

Move the GTHA: Submission to Provincial Transit Investment Strategy Advisory Panel

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit


In September, the Ontario government announced the formation of a Transit Investment Strategy Advisory Panel, tasked to review and advise the government on its response to the Metrolinx Investment Strategy, and to potentially consider additional funding options.   The Panel was to report back to government by December, 2013.   The Panel was chaired by Anne Golden, Past President & CEO of The Conference Board of Canada, and Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Special Advisor at Ryerson University.


The Move the GTHA collaborative, including Transport Action Ontario, met with the Panel in November, and subsequently made a formal submission to the Panel on November 26, signed by over 30 non government organizations.


The text of the submission can be read here:  Move-the-GTHA-Transit-Panel-Submission




Nov 22

Toronto Billy Bishop Airport Expansion – Unanswered Questions for Transport Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Aviation


Transport Action Ontario has reviewed the reports prepared for Porter Airlines by Airbiz and LPS Avia Consulting.  We find that they specifically ask Transport Canada and other agencies to review and make decisions on certain issues relating to the proposed runway expansion.   There are over two dozen places where major outstanding questions were identified.   The outstanding questions are documented in our report: Toronto Island Airport -Questions for TC2013-11-22


Transport Action Ontario recommends that the City of Toronto defer approval of the airport expansion until Transport Canada have reviewed these questions, presented their review and answers, allowed sufficient public debate about them and approved the proposed design.


Nov 18

Deputation to Toronto Transit Commission regarding Subsidized Transit Pass for Working Poor

By Transport Action Ontario | Press Releases and Open Letters , Urban Transit


Transport Action Ontario made a deputation to the Toronto Transit Commission on this topic on November 18, 2013.  It noted that much of the controversy for transit fare increases concerns the affordability for the working poor, and recommends that TTC study an Affordable Transit Pass Program, similar to what is offered by Hamilton Street Railway.


The deputation can be viewed here: TAO-TTC Deputation 2013-11-18



Nov 14

Southwest Economic Alliance – Presentation on Passenger Rail

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


The Southwest Economic Alliance (SWEA) is an association of municipalities, businesses and other stakeholders in Southwestern Ontario striving to improve economic activity.  SWEA has recognized that the region is losing its passenger transportation capacity at an alarming rate, including cutbacks in VIA Rail services.  SWEA is launching an advocacy campaign to spur planning and reinvestment in passenger transportation across the region.


SWEA held a Passenger Transportation Summit in London, ON on November 14.   Transport Action Ontario presented a paper entitled “Improving Inter-Urban Passenger Rail in Ontario”.


The paper can be viewed here: TAO-SWEApresentation 2013-11-14



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