Category Archives for "Urban Transit"

Aug 20

Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Discussion Paper – Comments Submitted

By Transport Action Ontario | Highways and Bridges , Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Urban Transit

In late June, Ontario released its long-awaited Greater Golden Horseshow Transportation Discussion Paper for public comment. Following a situation analysis, it described three visions for 2051: (a) getting people moving on a connected transit system (b) enhancing capacity and performance on congested roads (c) efficiently moving goods across the region. It also provided 7 near-term goals and sample actions.

Transport Action Ontario has provided detailed comments to the Ministry of Transportation on this paper, identifying positives, concern areas, and additional topics to include.

  • TAO supports some of the road infrastructure policies and plans, particularly managed lanes and demand management. However, we feel that there is too much emphasis on construction of new 400-series highways, including the GTA-West corridor, Highway 404 extension and Garden City Skyway twinning. Non-road options are usually a better investment and should either replace or augment new highways.
  • TAO supports the listed ideas for goods movement, but recommends also to work with CN/CP to expand rail corridors or remove constraints where needed to benefit both passenger and freight rail. The cooperation agreements between Metrolinx and CN on the shared-use Halton Sub and on Burlington-Hamilton are good examples.
  • The Plan needs to discuss funding sources to finance these many investments, including parking fees, road pricing, federal cooperation and financing, and providing new revenue tools for municipalities.

Our full submission can be viewed below.

MTO’s discussion paper can be found at:

Jul 27

Improving Scarborough Bus Connectivity

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Major Reports , Urban Transit

As a result of the impending shutdown of the Scarborough RT, there will be a need to reconfigure many of the TTC bus routes in Scarborough. This offers a major opportunity to improve passenger convenience and connectivity by emphasizing a more grid-based bus network.

Karl Junkin, C.E.T., of Transport Action Ontario has designed a reconfigured bus network. It has been submitted to the TTC and will be discussed with TTC staff.

Karl’s report can be viewed below.

Jun 25

Cut-and-Cover Option for Yonge North Subway Extension

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Urban Transit

Controversy continues in York Region over the routing of the proposed Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE). The preferred option from Metrolinx is Option 3A, which involves deep tunneling below 60 homes to reach a surface station at the GO line (“Bridge Station”). Both Markham and Vaughan Councils have voted against Option 3A.

In April, Transport Action Ontario submitted an alternative – Option 2A, involving cut-and-cover across vacant lands. Metrolinx is evaluating this option. We have now supplemented our proposal by also recommending cut-and-cover under the northern portion of Yonge St. This offers cost savings and simplifies the elevation transition from a tunnel under Yonge St to a surface station at the GO line. Metrolinx has indicated they will evaluate this option.

Our submission can be viewed below:

May 15

Update on Federal Funding for GTA Transit Projects

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit

On May 11, 2021, the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, accompanied by numerous other federal, provincial and municipal elected officials, announced a federal investment of up to $10.4 billion, covering 40% of the capital cost for four subway projects in Greater Toronto (GTA):

  • Scarborough Subway Extension – $5.5 billion
  • Eglinton Crosstown West – $4.7 billion
  • Ontario Line – $10.9 billion
  • Yonge North Subway Extension – $5.6 billion

This brings the total federal investment in GTA rapid transit since about 2005 to over $15 billion, broken down as follows:

  • First wave projects, except SSE. See our posting December 18, 2017 for details – $2.2 billion (2014$)
  • GO Expansion – Kitchener, Barrie and Lakeshore E corridors – $1.9 billion (2017$)
  • Bloor-Yonge subway station capacity. See our posting August 27, 2019 for details – $0.5 billion
  • Construction of 6 Smart Track stations. See our posting August 27, 2019 for details – $0.6 billion
  • Four subway projects as described above (SSE, EXTW, OL, YNSE) – $10.4 billion
  • TOTAL = $15.4 billion
May 01

Yonge North Subway Extension – TAO Suggests Alternate Route

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Urban Transit

Resident outrage over the recommended route for the Yonge North Subway Extension continues. See our post of April 27 for background. Transport Action Ontario has now suggested an alternate route, known as Option 2A. It has been submitted to Metrolinx, who have indicated they will comment back. Our submission is given below.

Hi Steve….thank you to you and the Metrolinx team for participating in the lengthy Markham Development Services Committee meeting on April 25.  It is clear there are many residents with big concerns about Option 3A.  As you recall, I offered to write up what I called “tweaked Option 2”, or Option 2A, involving a cut & cover route across Langstaff to reach an at-grade Bridge Station. You agreed to evaluate this option and report back.

This idea has been developed by Transport Action Ontario, a citizen-based NGO focusing on public transportation, of which I am currently the President. 

As a preamble, just as with Option 3A, Option 2A is not perfect.  Compromises may have to be made, including potentially a need to adjust the development plan (Secondary Plan) for the Langstaff Gateway Regional Centre. Fortunately, no recent new development has occurred at Langstaff yet, although it may be imminent.  As our ideas are very high level, feel free to adjust them to make them more workable. 
The Figures below show two route concepts. 

Option 1 – From Yonge St at the cemetery, using tight curves of 600 feet radius (same as on Line 1 at Union), we believe Bridge Station can be reached for an across-platform interchange with GO Trains.  This route would almost certainly incur a maintenance penalty. 

Option 2 – From Yonge St at the cemetery, using curves of larger radii, a point 75 meters west of Bridge Station can be reached.   This could easily be incorporated into the Station, as per the rough hand-drawn sketch. The 75 m area between the subway and the GO line would make good retail space. 

We presume that cut & cover would be used to construct this portion, so track slopes should not be an issue. The Bridge Station sketch shows the subway at one level below the at-grade GO tracks, which can readily be incorporated in the station design. The bus concourse would be one level above the tracks, as proposed in your Option 3A. 
Pomona Creek is in a culvert 3 mbg near the proposed subway crossing.   Engineering would have to figure out how to best cross this culvert (over/under) or otherwise alter the creek. If the Holy Cross Cemetery could be persuaded to allow access to a corner of parkland at their northwest corner, the curve radius could perhaps be increased. 

Transport Action Ontario looks forward to your review of theses ideas.  We will be happy to answer any questions. 
Best regards, 

Peter Miasek

President, Transport Action Ontario

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