Category Archives for "Latest News"

Apr 17

New videos on “Connecting London” – Public Transportation in Southwestern Ontario

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Urban Transit




Fanshawe TV student reporter Chris Callahan has produced three videos under the umbrella name “Connecting London”:

  • Part I features the public transit plans in Waterloo Region
  • Part II features the rapid transit plans for the City of London
  • Part III features connecting towns and cities across Southwestern Ontario, including interviews with key members of SWOTA (Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance


The videos can be viewed  here



Mar 09

High-Performance Rail Option for Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Major Reports


Transport Action Ontario, in conjunction with the Save VIA citizens’ committee of St. Marys, Ontario, has released an expert discussion paper on high-performance rail passenger service.  It calls on Canada’s new federal government to seriously investigate and consider the high-performance rail approach as a means of quickly and affordably improving VIA’s Quebec-Windsor Corridor service, fighting climate change and stimulating the economy.


A short brochure summarizing the report can be viewed at this link:TAO HPR Brochure 2016-03

The full report can be viewed at this link: TAO HPR Discussion Paper Final Revised 2016-03-09




Mar 01

Scarborough Express Rail (SmartSpur)

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Urban Transit


As readers know, Transport Action Ontario has long advocated for electrification of the GO Rail system and conversion to “surface subway-like” service.   Our advocacy started with our “No Little Plan” concept report of 2011 and then with the highly-detailed “Regional Rapid Rail” report of 2013.  We were very pleased when our ideas were largely adopted in 2014 in the  Province’s Regional Express Rail plan and the City of Toronto’s SmartTrack plan.


One of few areas not picked up by either the Provincial or City plans was our idea to construct an electrified GO Rail branch/spur line to Scarborough Town Centre, rather than an underground subway or a LRT line.  Over the past few months, we have been in ongoing detailed discussions with staff and elected officials at the City, and with staff at Metrolinx on this concept,  now known as Scarborough Express Rail or SmartSpur.


A series of frequently-asked-questions can be viewed here: TAO-SER-FAQ-2016-02

A technical memo covering various technical aspects of the concept can be viewed here: TAO-SER-TechMemo2016-02-29




Feb 22

Western Ontario Wardens Caucus endorses importance of VIA Rail

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News


In a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Wynne, the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC) recognized the importance of VIA Rail to the economy and the vital role it can play in economic and environmental improvements.  The letter references key reports produced by Transport Action Ontario and its affiliates, including our  Network Southwest Plan, our submission to the Province on Modernizing Intercity Bus Services,  and Transport Action Canada’s VIA 1-4-10 Plan.


WOWC encourages a strategic partnership between the Federal Government, Provincial Government, VIA Rail and Metrolinx to develop an integrated multi-modal mass transportation model in the Windsor-Quebec City corridor.


The WOWC letter can be viewed here:  WOWC Letter to Trudeau&Wynne