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Nov 09

Rail-Property Co-Development: Capital Financing for GTHA Transit Infrastructure

By Transport Action Ontario | Major Reports , Urban Transit


Decades of underinvestment have left the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) with an inadequate transportation network and one of the longest average commute times in North America – reducing the region’s economic competitiveness, impairing our health and environment, and limiting the amount of time we spend with families and friends.


In May, 2013, Metrolinx released its investment strategy “Investing in our Region” that recommended new revenue generation tools to fund GTHA transportation investment.   The Province subsequently formed the Transit Investment Strategy Advisory Panel to support it in the review of, and response to, the recommendations in the Metrolinx strategy.  The Panel is due to complete its work by December 15, 2013.


Transport Action Ontario has made a submission to the Panel urging that Rail-Property Co-Development be included as a revenue source in its final recommendations.    This approach essentially partners with the private sector to co-develop provincially and municipally-owned lands near rapid transit stations across the GTHA.   The approach is similar to the business approach of Build Toronto and Waterfront Toronto, and can raise significant capital financing for rail-based transit infrastructure.  It also has the following benefits:

  • anticipated to have little public opposition, as it is not a new tax or fee
  • anticipated to have all-party political support
  • furthers transit-oriented development and quality of urban environment


The full submission can be viewed from this link:  TAO-RailPropCoDev



Oct 15

Municipal Resolution on Improved Rail Transportation – Sample Resolution

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


One way to increase public awareness and commitment to improve rail transportation is to encourage municipalities to pass a formal council resolution.  NEORN has prepared a sample resolution, including addresses,  that can be used.


The sample resolution is available in WORD for customization as appropriate.  It can be viewed here: NEORN Sample Resolution of Support for Rail Service with addresses



Oct 13

R.A.I.L. – Meeting with Transport Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


R.A.I.L.  (Rail Action in Lambton) is a new group of concerned citizens based in Lambton County that is advocating for improved multimodal passenger service.  The group was formed in September, 2012 following a town hall meeting in Sarnia presented by Transport Action’s National Dream Renewed campaign.  They have continued to work cooperatively with Transport Action Ontario.


On October 23, 2013, R.A.I.L. representatives met in Sarnia with staff from Transport Canada.  They presented a 4-page brief which can be viewed from this link:  RAIL – Mtg. with Transport Canada- Oct. 11-13



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