All Posts by Transport Action Ontario

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May 15

InterCityRail issues open letter to Minister Garneau

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News

A new Non-Government Organization, called InterCityRail,  has recently formed in southwestern Ontario.  It’s objective is to advocate for High Performance Rail, rather than High Speed Rail in southwestern Ontario, at least between Kitchener and London.  The group has released a letter sent to Federal Minister of Transport Marc Garneau that summarizes the problems with the HSR plan and advocates for broad evidence-based evaluation of all alternatives in the upcoming Environmental Assessment.

The letter can be viewed at this link:   Minister Garneau final May 15

May 08

Cochrane Mayor Issues Statement on “Northern Reality on Rail Investment”

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Cochrane Mayor Peter Politis has issued a powerful media statement on the Northern Reality on Passenger Rail Investment.  It cogently summarizes the history of the Northlander Passenger Rail service and the need for more passenger rail investment in Northern Ontario.

The media release is available at this link:  NEORN-CochraneRelease

Jan 29

Revised Ministry of Northern Development & Mines(MNDM) Mandate Needed to Include Passenger Rail

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Our affiliate organization, the Northern and Eastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) has issued a media release requesting the Ontario government to revise the mandate for the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines to include pursuit of passenger rail service for Northern Ontario.  This would mirror other political parties which have included passenger rail for Northern Ontario in their announced platforms.

The NEORN release can be viewed here:  NEORN-2018-01-29

Jan 09

Response to the Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan

By Transport Action Ontario | Highways and Bridges , Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Urban Transit

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation is developing a long-range (2051) multimodal transportation plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.  Objectives include reducing congestion, supporting economic growth, promoting healthy lifestyles, responding to the climate change challenge and leveraging new technology.   The province is seeking public input on a draft set of long-term goals which will inform the plan.


Transport Action Ontario, along with 5 other non-government organizations, has formally responded to the Province’s request for comments.  Our letter can be viewed here:  GGH Draft Transportation Plan Comments – December 22, 2017

Dec 18

Second Update on Funding Gaps for Rapid and Conventional Transit in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Major Reports , Urban Transit

Transport Action Ontario has released a second update report and backgrounder on funding gaps for transit in the GTHA.  It reflects an assumed rapid transit network as proposed by Metrolinx in their 2017 draft Regional Transportation Plan, rather than that identified in their 2016 discussion paper.

These two reports update our two previous reports posted in September, 2017.



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