Support for Detroit-Windsor Passenger Rail Link

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus

Nov 20
Amtrak Midwest Siemens Venture passenger cars pictured at Joliet.

Transport Action Canada and Transport Action Ontario have jointly issued a letter of support to the Federal government for a proposed Amtrak – VIA Rail passenger rail connection between Detroit and Windsor. The proposal involves station and signal upgrades in Detroit, use of the CPKC tunnel under the Detroit River, upgraded track on the Essex Terminal Railway (ETR), a new connection between ETR and VIA tracks and upgrades at Windsor Station, including a joint CBSA/CBP border clearing facility.

We are hopeful that the upcoming federal budget will include funding for the Windsor portion of the project, estimated to cost about $40 million.

Our letter can be viewed below.

Photo: Amtrak Midwest Siemens Venture cars pictured at Joliet by “Sea Cow” via Wikimedia commons