Apr 15

Citizen’s Guide to Sustainable Transportation Advocacy

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports , Urban Transit


Transport Action Ontario has just released the Citizen’s Guide to Sustainable Transportation Advocacy.  This 53 page report is an initial effort by Transport Action Ontario to prepare a guide to help support citizen campaigns which support sustainable transport.  We plan to update this guide from time to time, in particular to add other case studies.



Apr 10

Presentation to Standing Committee: Increasing the Provincial Role in Intercity Passenger Rail and Bus Transportation

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


Transport Action made a presentation to the Standing Committee on General Government.  This committee was engaged in a Study Related to Traffic Congestion in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, the National Capital Region and Northern Ontario.


Our presentation was entitled “Increasing the Provincial Role in Intercity Passenger Rail and Bus Transportation”.


The presentation can be viewed here.


Feb 16

ONR-ONTC Closure and Divestiture

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Northern Ontario


With the recent closure of the Northlander passenger rail service, and divestiture announcement of Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, Dr. Barry Wellar undertook research on this matter.  Dr. Wellar is Distinguished Research Fellow of Transport Action Canada.  He is principal of Wellar Consulting Ltd.


Dr. Wellar’s research was conducted in early 2013.  It involved sending inquiries to numerous arms of the Ontario government.  His final report found that no evidence was provided or identified to establish that methodologically sound research played a preeminent or partial role in the termination or divestment decisions.


The final report is titled “An Opinion as to the Extent to which the Decisions by Cabinet to Terminate The Northlander and Divest the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission are Based upon, Supported by, Justified by or are Otherwise Derived from Methodologically Sound Research”.  It can be viewed here.


Nov 19

Letter to Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Innovation

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Press Releases and Open Letters , Urban Transit



Transport Action Ontario wrote a letter to the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Innovation stating that we believe that Ontario is facing a serious mobility crisis that seriously undermines private and public initiatives aimed at sustaining and growing Ontario’s industrial base.   We urged the Ministry and the Ontario Jobs and Prosperity Council to work with other provincial ministries and other levels of government to focus on our province’s mobility crisis, especially in the areas of public transportation.


The letter can be viewed here:  TAO-DuguidLtr2012-11