May 13

Submission to Toronto Council Committee on Gardiner Expressway Reconfiguration

By Transport Action Ontario | Highways and Bridges


Transport Action Ontario (TAO) has been participating as a member of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) in the consultations for the Gardiner East EA since its inception in 2009.   Our last position paper was published in March, 2014, where we supported the “Remove” option.  Subsequently, Council directed staff to undertake several additional studies – primarily to evaluate a new “Hybrid” option, and to study traffic mitigation steps for the “Remove” option.


During the past year, the SAC continued to meet to review the new findings.    A public meeting on the new results was held in April, 2015.   The matter came before Toronto’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on May 13, and will go to Council in June.   As input to these deliberations, TAO issued an updated public paper.


The paper concluded that the “Hybrid” option is not appreciably different than the “Maintain” option, other than relocated access ramps.  It also noted that a small reconfiguration of the urban boulevard in “Remove” has reduced the auto and truck travel time penalty to only 3 to 5 minutes, as verified in two independent studies.    Therefore TAO continues to urge Council to advance the “Remove” option as the preferred alternative for completing the Gardiner East EA.


Our updated position paper can be viewed here:  TAO-GardinerEast2015-05-11



Apr 30

Federal Government’s Defeat of VIA Rail Bill is Misguided and Destructive

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Press Releases and Open Letters


On April 24, 2015, the House of Commons, voting on party lines, defeated private members Bill C-640, known as the VIA Rail Canada Act.    The bill received unanimous consent by the NDP, Liberal and Green parties, Bloc Quebecois and Forces et Democratie, plus two independents. However, the Conservative majority and two former Conservatives who now sit as Independents voted against it.


This Bill drew heavily on the Amtrak working example in the U.S. and a previous bill that another Conservative government introduced in Parliament in 1986.   It would have established VIA’s mandate, rights and obligations in legislation.  Transport Action Ontario has long seen such an act as a vital component in establishing a modern intercity passenger rail service in Canada.  The proposed bill would have met many of the required legislative needs.


Our media release on this matter can be viewed here:    TAO VIA Rail Act Release 2015-04-30



Mar 18

Network Southwest Passenger Rail and Bus Service Action Plan – Report Released

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports

We are pleased to announce the release of Network Southwest,  an interurban passenger rail and bus service action plan researched and prepared by Greg Gormick of  On Track Strategies for the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA), a collaborative of non-government organizations including Transport Action Ontario.   Network Southwest is a blueprint for reviving the region’s intercity public transportation system using a passenger rail spine and passenger bus feeders.  It can  rapidly and cost-effectively be implemented.


This plan was unveiled at a public forum in Sarnia on January 31st, 2015. Other public forums have been held in St Marys and Stratford.   Our next public forum is planned for London on April 8.


The full  88 page report was released in St Marys, Ontario on March 18.  Additionally,  a one-page infographic and a one-page summary are available. The report may be downloaded here


More information is available on the SWOTA website here





Mar 18

Media Release: Network Southwest action plan could revive public transport across Southwestern Ontario

By Transport Action Ontario | Press Releases and Open Letters



Transport Action Ontario  and the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA) are  pleased to release a major new report by  Greg Gormick, On Track Strategies entitled “Network Southwest  Passenger Rail and Bus Service Action Plan”


Network Southwest is a blueprint for reviving the region’s intercity public transportation system using a passenger rail spine and passenger bus feeders.  It can  rapidly and cost-effectively be implemented.  The full report can be accessed on this website under the “Major Reports” tab.


The media release can be viewed here:   TAO NSW Launch Media Release 2015-03-18




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