Jun 18

Letter of Support for Hurontario-Main Light Rail Transit Project

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit


On April 21, 2015, the Ontario government committed to full provincial funding, totalling $1.6B,  of the 23 km LRT project proposed along Hurontario and Main Streets in Mississauga and Brampton, between Port Credit and downtown Brampton.  Transport Action Ontario welcomes this announcement.    However, while this project has been well accepted in Mississauga, there has been debate in Brampton about the best route through or around the heritage area on Main Street.   The issue will be resolved by Brampton Council in July.


Transport Action Ontario has published a letter of support for the Main Street route, which is strongly recommended by both Metrolinx and Brampton City staff.   The letter can be viewed here:   TAO-letter-BramptonLRT2015-06-17





Jun 10

Developing Higher Speed Electric Railways Across Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports



Dr. Avrum Regenstreif, long time member and colleague of Transport Action Ontario, has completed a report on developing higher speed electric railways across Canada.  it is intended as a backgrounder to foster discussion and it offers one possible long term vision on development of higher speed electrified railroads in Canada.  While Transport Action Ontario has long supported railway electrification, the details of how this is to be achieved as expressed in this report are the opinion of the author, and are not the official position of Transport Action Ontario.


We welcome feedback on this important topic.


The report can be viewed here:  TAO-HSR-Paper-Final2015-06




Jun 04

Toronto Relief Line – Submission to Consulations on Alignment and Station Locations

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit



As part of the Relief Line Project Assessment, the City of Toronto is conducting consultations on the station locations and route alignments for the Relief  Line – a proposed subway line that would connect downtown Toronto to the Bloor-Danforth Subway east of the Don River.   Transport Action Ontario (TAO) sits on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee for this project.


A formal submission was made by TAO in June, 2015.  It received a positive response from the City.  The process continues in September.


The TAO submission can be viewed here:  TAO-ReliefLineSubmission2015-06



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