Nov 23

Op-Ed for New Revenue Tools for Sustainable Transportation

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Urban Transit

Transport Action Ontario has long advocated that government needs to develop new dedicated revenue tools (taxes, fees) for investment in public transportation.  As part of the Move the GTHA collaborative, we were able to publish an op-ed in the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newsletter on November 23.  The article endorsed the City of Toronto’s recent efforts to find new funding sources for transit.
The article can be viewed here:   mtgtha-torstar-op-ed2016-11-23
Nov 11

Comments on Metrolinx Discussion Paper for the Next Regional Transportation Plan

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Urban Transit


Metrolinx is in the process of updating their Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.  This would replace the previous RTP,  The Big Move, which was released in 2008.  They have released a Discussion Paper on topics and approaches to be included in the update.


Transport Action Ontario has submitted a formal letter response to the Discussion Paper.

Our input can be viewed here:  tao-mx-rtp-2016-11

Nov 07

Rail advocates outraged by Garneau announcement

By admin | Latest News , Press Releases and Open Letters

Rail advocates outraged by Garneau announcement

Minister supports cheap airlines over good rail options

OTTAWA – Transport Action Canada is stunned, even outraged, by the Transportation 2030 Vision presented in Montreal by Transport Minister Marc Garneau last Thursday.

“With climate change on everyone’s mind, and transportation causing a huge percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, smart solutions are needed,” says the public transportation advocacy group’s president Bruce Budd. “And the smartest solution of all is the rail network we already have. Except for a brief passing reference to a feasibility study of high frequency rail service linking Toronto to Ottawa and Montreal, why has Minister Garneau virtually ignored VIA Rail Canada in his 2030 Vision?”

The Amtrak system, the US equivalent of VIA Rail, demonstrates that short, intermediate and long-distance trains can be heavily used, and gain significant ridership. Amtrak’s success is bringing demands across the US for increased train service of all kinds. Transport Action believes that this would happen in Canada if our passenger train network was modernized, expanded, reliable and lower-cost.

Adding new discount airlines may be helpful to some, Budd says, but short-haul air travel is a poor solution for a government committed to “real change” and reducing greenhouse gases. If Canada followed the lead of countries like France, Germany, Japan, China and the US, by making investments in passenger rail, we would get much closer to our climate change targets, he predicted. Passengers would continue to fly for most long distance trips, but use or connect to fast efficient train networks for shorter journeys.

“Canadians travel all the time. They deserve affordable, efficient and sustainable ways to get around. Why drive congested, dangerous, snowy highways and pollute our environment? Canada’s railways are not just for freight; they are the best solution for millions of travelling passengers. Investments in VIA Rail will produce benefits all across Canada: higher speeds and higher frequency for the busy corridors, reliable safe on-time options for long distance travellers, and vital links for First Nations and remote communities.”

Transport Action Canada works with its regional partners Transport Action Ontario, Transport Action Atlantic, and in Quebec and Western Canada to connect community groups, government stakeholders and businesses, and advocates for better travel options across the country. TAC has commissioned many studies, available on its website, showing how passenger rail networks can be improved quickly and affordably.

Nov 07

High Performance Rail: An Alternative for the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Triangle

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News


Representatives of the Transport Action family of NGOs met with Transport Canada in September to review several matters relating to passenger and freight rail in Canada.   This included discussion on Transport Canada’s due diligence review of VIA Rail’s High Frequency Rail (HFR) proposal for the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto triangle.


We were pleased to hear that Transport Canada would welcome submissions on alternatives to the HFR plan.  Accordingly, we have submitted our report on the High Performance Rail (HPR) Option prepared in March, 2016.  That report can be found elsewhere on this website.




A copy of our cover letter, describing the option in summary form can be found here   tao-tupper-hpr-2016-11 :

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