Nov 16

Open Letter on Ontario Transit Funding: Keep the Promise!

By Transport Action Ontario | Latest News , Press Releases and Open Letters , Urban Transit

An open letter has been sent to Premier Ford and Minister of Transportation Yurek urging the government of Ontario to keep its promise to increase public transit funding.   A total of 17 civic organizations, including Transport Action Ontario, signed the letter which was also covered by CBC News

The letter can be viewed here:

Open letter on Ontario transit funding_November 15 2018_amended


Nov 12

Lac-Megantic Rail Disaster – New Book Discusses Regulatory Failure

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News

Almost all Canadians will the remember the Lac Megantic disaster in July, 2013, involving a runaway Montreal, Maine and Atlantic (MMA) freight train loaded with volatile crude oil that derailed and exploded, with 47 fatalities. Dr. Bruce Campbell, former executive director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and now Professor at York University, has published a new book “The Lac-Megantic Rail Disaster – Public Betrayal, Justice Denied”. Campbell is a long-time friend of Transport Action and our organization attended the book launch. He has written extensively about Lac-Megantic.

Although Transport Action’s mandate is passenger rail, the obvious connections with freight rail means that we monitor this field in such areas as infrastructure and safety.

The book tracks the events leading to the disaster, focussing on regulatory and policy decisions made by government, including deregulation, privatization, government austerity and neoliberalism. It fingers the introduction (2001) of the Safety Management System approach, which are developed and managed by the companies themselves and lead to reduced unannounced field inspections by regulators. However, the single largest failure was the Transport Canada (TC) approval (2012) allowing MMA to implement Single Person Train Operation, despite their very poor safety record.

The disaster followed a year later.

Campbell indicates that the response to the disaster has been weak. Only 3 low level employees were charged criminally, and found not guilty. A civil settlement of $460M was reached, well below actual damages. The Harper government passed the Safe Rail Act, which modestly increased insurance requirements for railways and modestly increased the number of TC inspectors.

Campbell alleges that political pressure on the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) resulted in a report that whitewashed the culpability of TC in allowing MMA’s repeated safety violations to go unchecked and allowing one person operations.

Today the situation is still worrysome. Railway incidents, including runaways, continue at a high level. Oil-by-rail movements are likely to increase. Vulnerable tank car (CP-1232) phaseout is not until 2025. The safety management system approach and fatigue management are the top two items on the TSB watchlist.

Campbell’s book is available from James Lorimer & Company Publishers. It is a fascinating read.

Oct 15

NEORN Continues to Advocate for Return of Passenger Rail Service

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Our colleagues at the Northeastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) continue to advocate strongly that the Ontario PC government fulfill its promise to restore full passenger rail service to Northern Ontario.   NEORN has written an open letter to key Queens Park elected officials requesting a status update.  They have also updated all of the 90+ municipalities, First Nations and other stakeholder organizations that provided resolutions of support for the return of passenger rail.


The NEORN open letter to Queens Park elected officials can be viewed here: NEORN letter to Premier Ford-10.10.18


The NEORN letter to stakeholders can be viewed here:  NEORN letter to municipalities re Premier Ford final 10.10.18

Oct 10

Public Statement on VIA Rail Canada’s High Frequency Rail Proposal

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News

Background: After an analysis of available public information on VIA Rail Canada’s High Frequency Rail (HFR) proposal, Transport Action Ontario has issued the following statement:

Since our founding nearly 30 years ago, Transport Action Ontario (TAO) has strongly supported intercity passenger rail, as it provides many economic, social and environmental benefits to Canadians. The Windsor-Quebec corridor is the heart of Canada’s existing passenger rail system. TAO agrees with VIA Rail Canada’s ambition to triple the number of trains per day in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec portion of this corridor, as well as improving on-time performance and reducing travel times.

One available option is VIA’s High Frequency Rail/dedicated track proposal (HFR). It envisions new dedicated northern trackage between Toronto-Ottawa (using the partially abandoned Havelock line)
and between Montreal-Quebec (using north shore trackage accessed through the Mt. Royal tunnel) , while improving the schedule on existing Lakeshore and South-shore routes. Maximum train speeds are planned as 160 kph.

The Federal Government (Transport Canada) is currently evaluating this and other proposals to add passenger rail capacity in this corridor.

TAO has met with VIA’s senior planning staff to discuss HFR and has analyzed the limited publicly available information on HFR, as well as other relevant comparable projects. We endorse VIA’s HFR objective, particularly the strategic benefit of dedicated tracks for passenger service. This benefit can be maximized if long segments of dedicated track are combined with increased attention to timely operation of passenger services where co-use with main line freight operations is required. We also concur with VIA that operation at typical “high speed rail“ speeds (250 kph+) has a poorer cost-benefit ratio than VIA`s proposed speed.

TAO looks forward to a fulsome public review of the details of HFR. Particularly important is a discussion on securing access to the Mt. Royal tunnel in view of the Montreal REM transit project and a discussion on the best planned maximum train speed (160 vs 200 kph).

We urge the Federal Government to move forward promptly and commit to boosting passenger rail frequencies, speeds and on-time performance in this corridor.

We also look forward to working with all stakeholders, especially VIA and Transport Canada, on how to achieve improved passenger rail service in the entire Windsor-Quebec corridor, including Southwestern Ontario.

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