Transport Action Ontario has long supported the GO Expansion project (formerly Regional Express Rail). In fact, our 2013 report “Regional Rapid Rail” was an important precursor to the provincial project announced in 2014. As readers recall, GO Expansion proposes 15-minute all-day two-way service on core parts of 5 GO train corridors. The province has committed $13.5B for capital construction.
The province has now taken a major step towards procurement of this massive project. The procurement of this project has proceeded in 3 stages:
Another interesting aspect of this “On-Corridor” tender is that the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) will finance up to $2B of the contract, only its second transit deal in Canada.
The release of the RFP and the CIB financing for the “On-Corridor” project are good news, as they signify solid government commitment to this massive and vitally important project.