Category Archives for "Urban Transit"

May 27

Regional Express Rail GO Service forms Plank of Toronto Mayoral Platform

By Transport Action Ontario | Press Releases and Open Letters , Urban Transit


On May 27, Toronto mayoral candidate John Tory unveiled his transit platform.  The flagship component was SmartTrack, an electrified “surface subway” transit corridor based mostly on parts of the GO rail network.   It has the same thrust as the Province’s Regional Express Rail announcement in mid-April, which was virtually identical to Transport Action Ontario’s concept of Regional Express Rail, proposed in its major report released last July.


Transport Action Ontario is very pleased to se the RER concept picked up by one of the top-tier candidates for mayor of Toronto.  Our media release can be viewed here:  TAO-JohnTorymediarelease2014-05-27

The Tory announcement, and Transport Action Ontario’s role in it, was picked up by various Toronto media.  Some links are provided here:



Apr 11

New Poll: Support Growing for Transportation Investment

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Urban Transit




On April 11, 2014, the Move the GTHA collaborative, which includes Transport Action Ontario  released a new Angus Reid Forum poll, showing nearly 60% of Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area residents are now more likely to support a political leader who brought in new funding sources for transportation improvements.    Support for new revenue sources for transportation infrastructure has increased in the past few months.


Details on the survey are available here



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