Transport Action Ontario was invited to provide a short verbal presentation on recommendations for the 2021 Ontario Budget to Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy on January 29. We also submitted the same remarks plus supplemental information to the Ministry of Finance.
We proposed a list of 9 items. These are described in the supplemental material, and can be boiled down into 4 overarching themes:
As readers know, Ontario released a draft transportation plan for Northern Ontario in December, 2020, and Transport Action Ontario prepared a response (see posting December 24, 2020). In view of likely federal interest in elements of jurisdiction and financing, we also sent comments on this draft plan to key federal ministers. Our letter can be viewed below:
In December, 2020, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation released a draft transportation plan for Northern Ontario. Transport Action Ontario has reviewed the draft plan in detail. We find it is too highway-centric and needs more emphasis on passenger and freight rail. Our detailed review is given below.
The Barrie-Collingwood Railway ( a shortline) is currently in danger of abandonment and removal. It is currently owned by the City of Barrie and the County of Simcoe. Transport Action Ontario has written a letter to the owners and other stakeholders urging retention of the line due to its economic benefits and low level of subsidy.
Transport Action Ontario’s (TAO) annual general meeting, postponed from its usual spring date due to the pandemic, will be held on Saturday, October 24, 2020, starting at 1:00 pm Eastern. As is our usual practice, we will also have a presentation open to the public. Both events will be virtual, and free to join from your computer or phone. Here are the details:
Public Presentation (1:00 pm)
We are pleased to announce that our guest lecturer will be Stephen Wickens, transit researcher and journalist with a four-decade career at four Toronto-based daily newspapers. Steve will summarize his recent report for the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) entitled “Station to Station: Why Subway-building Costs have Soared in the Toronto Region”. This thoughtful report has been well received and hopefully will inform government decisions about at-grade versus below-grade rapid transit projects.
Annual General Meeting (2:00pm)
The AGM will review 2019-2020 performance by the organization and elect the executive and board of directors for the upcoming year. TAO members in good standing will receive an electronic invite and can vote at the virtual meeting, or give a proxy to another member. Send proxy information to
TAO is always looking for new members to join our board of directors. If you have a passion for public transportation and want to make a difference, contact us at