Category Archives for "Northern Ontario"

May 22

Rally for Rail in Northern Ontario

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Our affiliate organization, Northern and Eastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) is holding a series of 10 “RALLY FOR RAIL” events across Northern Ontario between May 23 and May 31.  All community members are invited to attend and learn how passenger rail service to their community will happen and how their vote in the upcoming June election could make this a reality. The government needs to reflect the will of the people in northeastern Ontario!

Details on the 10 rallies can be found here:   NEORN-RallyMay2018

May 08

Cochrane Mayor Issues Statement on “Northern Reality on Rail Investment”

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Cochrane Mayor Peter Politis has issued a powerful media statement on the Northern Reality on Passenger Rail Investment.  It cogently summarizes the history of the Northlander Passenger Rail service and the need for more passenger rail investment in Northern Ontario.

The media release is available at this link:  NEORN-CochraneRelease

Jan 29

Revised Ministry of Northern Development & Mines(MNDM) Mandate Needed to Include Passenger Rail

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Our affiliate organization, the Northern and Eastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) has issued a media release requesting the Ontario government to revise the mandate for the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines to include pursuit of passenger rail service for Northern Ontario.  This would mirror other political parties which have included passenger rail for Northern Ontario in their announced platforms.

The NEORN release can be viewed here:  NEORN-2018-01-29

Aug 03

Brutal Treatment by CN damaging VIA’s Canadian train

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Transport Action Ontario and our affiliate, the Northern and Eastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) have jointly issued a media release decrying the extremely poor on-time performance of the Canadian.  Data shows that the Canadian from Vancouver to Toronto was on schedule only once between March 2 and June 22, 2017.  The blame is placed on CN, which is disregarding its contractual agreement to efficiently handle all VIA passenger trains on its lines.

The groups are calling on Transport Minister Marc Garneau to resolve the situation.

The media release can be viewed here:  TAO-NEORN 2017-08-03


May 25

Ontario Government Inequity for Rail Service in Northern Ontario

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario

Our affiliate, the Northern and Eastern Ontario Rail Network (NEORN) has published a flyer summarizing the Ontario government’s legacy in transportation inequity.  The flyer contrasts the commitment to a $21B High Speed Rail proposal for Southwestern Ontario with the cutting of passenger rail service in the North.

The flyer can be viewed here:  NEORN-2017-05-24