Category Archives for "Intercity Rail and Bus"

Jan 24

Intercity Public Transportation in Ontario – Benefits, Challenges and Solutions

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



Transport Action Ontario gave a presentation and participated in a panel discussion at the plenary session of the  Canadian Federation of University Women  Standing Committee Meetings on January 24, 2015 in Toronto.  The plenary session theme was “Getting There: Integrated Public Transportation for Ontario.”


Our presentation can be viewed here:  TAO-CFUWpresentation 2015-01-24




Jan 13

Response to Interview with VIA Rail Canada CEO on “Tracking a Turnaround”

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


The Globe and Mail newspaper published an interview with Yves Desjardin-Sicilliano, CEO and President of VIA Rail Canada on December 23, 2014.  The article outlined his vision for the crown corporation.


Transport Action Ontario has issued a response statement to some of the comments made by Mr. Desjardin-Scilliano.   Our statement can be viewed here:  TAO-VIA interview responseRev2 2015-01



Jan 09

Southwest Ontario Ignores Transit Issues at its Peril

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


Transport Action Ontario board member Ken Westcar published a well-received Opinion Letter in the London Free Press  on January 9, 2015 discussing the need for modern transportation infrastructure in Southwestern Ontario to improve prosperity in the region.    A radical improvement and expansion of mobility options beyond the automobile is needed.


Ken’s article can be viewed here:  TAO -LONDON FREE PRESS(Westcar) 2015-01-09



Dec 31

Submission to Secretariat of the Canada Transportation Review

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


In June, 2014, Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt announced a review of the Canada Transportation Act.  The Honourable David Emerson, supported by five eminent Canadians, will report back to the Minister with recommendations by the end of 2015. Initial submissions from stakeholders to the review panel were to be submitted by December 30, 2014.


Transport Action Ontario, working in concert with the other affiliates in the Transport Action family, has made a submission to the review panel.  The central focus was railway-based transportation, where we have extensive collective knowledge and professional experience.


Our submission can be viewed here:  TAO-CTAReview2014-12-30

Dec 01

Rail Safety in Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



Transport Action Ontario representatives participated as expert panelists in a Community Forum on Rail Safety on November 28, 2014, organized by three Toronto MPs  – Carolyn Bennett, Chrystia Freeland and Adam Vaughan – whose ridings border the CP main line in central Toronto.    The Forum was very stimulating, with many good questions and comments.


Following the Forum, we felt it would be helpful to summarize the position of Transport Action Ontario, as expressed at the meeting.

The summary  letter can be viewed here:  TAO-railsafety-BennettFreelandVaughan



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