Category Archives for "Intercity Rail and Bus"

Aug 01

The North Main Line Reborn: Action Plan for VIA’s North Main Line

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



On July 30, 2015, the St Marys Ontario Save VIA non-government organization released a new report on VIA’s North Main Line.    Save VIA  is a close affiliate of Transport Action Ontario, and we are both members of the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA).


The report gives a situation analysis and outlines numerous quickly-implemented low-cost improvements that can be implemented on the line to boost ridership, revenue, cost recovery and service frequency.  The report can  be viewed here:   NML Reborn Final Rev5 150801sm (1)




Jun 10

Developing Higher Speed Electric Railways Across Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus , Major Reports



Dr. Avrum Regenstreif, long time member and colleague of Transport Action Ontario, has completed a report on developing higher speed electric railways across Canada.  it is intended as a backgrounder to foster discussion and it offers one possible long term vision on development of higher speed electrified railroads in Canada.  While Transport Action Ontario has long supported railway electrification, the details of how this is to be achieved as expressed in this report are the opinion of the author, and are not the official position of Transport Action Ontario.


We welcome feedback on this important topic.


The report can be viewed here:  TAO-HSR-Paper-Final2015-06




May 17

Network Southwest Public Forum – St. Thomas, May 27, 2015

By Transport Action Ontario | Events , Intercity Rail and Bus



St. Thomas will host a public forum to present the  Network Southwest Passenger Rail and Bus Service Action Plan, our plan for rapid solutions to Southwestern Ontario’s  transportation challenges.  The keynote presenter is transportation analyst and government policy advisor Greg Gormick.


Wednesday May 27, 2015, 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

St. Thomas CASO Station, 750 Talbot St.

St. Thomas, ON N5P 1E2


For further details on Network Southwest, consult other recent postings on this website.


May 15

SWOTA presentation to SWEA on Network Southwest Plan

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



As readers know, Transport Action Ontario is part of the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA).  In the past, SWOTA has worked closely with the Southwest Economic Alliance (SWEA) to improve public transportation in the region.  SWEA is a coalition of the public sector (municipalities), private sector and civil society (social non-government organizations, universities) founded to advocate for  improved conditions for economic vitality in the region.   With the retirement of its president in November, SWEA is now in the process of re-evaluating its mission and approach.


Improved public transportation remains a focus for SWEA.  SWOTA president Terry Johnson and Transport Action Ontario president Peter Miasek presented a summary of our Network Southwest plan at SWEA’s Board Meeting on May 14.     The presentation can be viewed here:  SWOTA Presentation to SWEA 2015-05-14


The Network Southwest plan and program appear to fit very closely with SWEA’s mission and approach.  SWOTA looks forward to continued cooperation with SWEA on this vital advocacy program.



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