Category Archives for "Intercity Rail and Bus"

Dec 09

Submission to Ontario Budget 2016 – Integrated Public Transportation outside the GTAA

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



Ontario has opened its online consultation for the province’s 2016 budget priorities.  SWOTA has posted a submission asking for integrated public transportation outside the GTAA, as envisioned in our Network Southwest plan.   The submission can be voted on, and comments provided here


A copy of the submission can also be viewed below:


Integrated Public Transportation outside the GTHA

Created on December 9, 2015 by Terence Johnson


While Metrolinx has made great strides in improving and integrating public transport in the GTHA, services in Southwestern, Eastern, and Northern Ontario have declined, and communities have suffered as a result.

Since 2009, more than 100 Ontario communities have lost their last public transport connection to the outside world. Strategically, this creates a risk of long-term economic decline across entire regions that will become harder to reverse as time goes on. On a human scale, when someone needs to travel to a medical appointment, to work, or simply to visit friends or relatives, this is already a crisis.

The social and economic costs of isolation are large compared to what it would cost to revitalize Ontario’s public transport network.

Restoring Ontario’s public transportation network outside the GTHA would require only a small fraction of the $15bn the Ontario government has already pledged to invest in infrastructure. The key ingredient is not money, but collaboration. By working with the federal government, municipalities, and the bus industry, the province can get the best value for every dollar.

Connecting services and coordinating schedules so door-to-door car-free journeys become practical and easy is cheap, simple, and already happening right across the border in Michigan. There, Amtrak, local transit, and long-distance bus operators work together. It already happens in Ontario, within the GTHA.

Rail service cuts by the federal government in 2012 hit many communities hard, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Stratford, Cornwall, and Belleville. There are also many communities, including St. Thomas, Leamington, and Goderich, where bus services have been withdrawn by Greyhound, in some cases many years ago. However, Ontario’s current bus regulations prevent local operators or our municipalities from offering a new service.

The province has already made a step in the right direction by announcing a review of bus regulations in fall 2015 that may allow Ontario companies to start providing services to local communities. Seed funding to restore a core network of services integrated with each other, transit, and rail, is vital to ensuring that Ontario gets the network it needs to meet its commitment to tackle pollution and to give youth and seniors in all our communities the mobility they need and deserve.

Improving Ontario’s public transportation system will materially assist Ontario municipalities with their sustainability plans, including reduced carbon footprints, a stable or increasing population (as opposed to population shift and decline), easier recruitment and retention of skilled professionals, tourism promotion, increased workplace productivity, and more high-paying and permanent jobs.

A 2015 study by the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance estimated the capital cost of implementing a fully integrated network for Southwestern Ontario at $400 million over five years, to be shared with the federal government. This would include helping municipalities upgrade existing bus terminals and rail stations in ways that attract new economic development, eliminating the worst train delays and road safety hazards by lighting rural grade crossings and replacing 60-year-old trains with new made-in-Ontario equipment. (

If our government acts now, these incremental improvements can deliver significant results before the next election for the one-third of Ontarians who do not own a car or prefer not to drive.

Dec 02

Ground-side Access to Pearson International Airport

By Transport Action Ontario | Aviation , Intercity Rail and Bus


The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) is studying future airline passenger traffic in Southern Ontario.  It is recommending coordinated planning among all airports in the region.  One aspect that did not receive much focus in the study is the issue of ground-side access to Pearson International Airport.


Transport Action Ontario has sent a letter to GTAA identifying that ground-side airport access needs to be improved, particularly by working towards a better balance between road and rail options.  Our letter can be viewed here:   TAO-lettertoGTAA2015-12-02




Nov 10

Rail Safety Committment from Federal Liberals

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



Since the Lac Megantic rail tragedy in 2013, and numerous other rail incidents in Canada, the issue of rail safety has had high visibility with the Canadian public.  Transport Action Ontario and its affiliates has been vocal in on this issue.  There are numerous posting on this website on the topic of rail safety.


Transport Action Ontario has been assisting a non-government organization, called Safe Rail Communities, to advocate with the federal government on improved rail safety.  As part of the recent Federal Election, each party was solicited for their commitment to improve rail safety.  The response from the  Liberal Party of Canada was particularly encouraging, and is available for viewing at this link:


We are also pleased to note that the issue of reinforcing rail safety is cited in the mandate letter to Minister of Transport Marc Garneau.




Sep 24

Submission on Modernizing Intercity Bus Service

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



The Government of Ontario is consulting on information and ideas on modernizing intercity bus service.  This is in response to the critical state of the industry, with declining service, ridership and profitability.


The Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA), of which Transport Action Ontario is a key member, has made a submission to this consultation.    It focussed on the proven best practices for integrated passenger rail and bus networks, as documented in our Network Southwest plan.  The submission makes several recommendations on how to modernize the bus regulatory regime.


The SWOTA submission can be viewed here: SWOTA-BusServiceModernization_2015-09-22



Sep 15

Western Ontario Warden’s Caucus Submission to “Moving Ontario Forward”

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus



The Western Ontario Warden’s Caucus (WOWC), a not-for-profit organization representing 14 counties and Chatham-Kent in Western Ontario, has led a submission to the Government of Ontario’s Moving Ontario Forward consultation.  This consultation is requesting input on how to allocate funding on critical infrastructure needs and an integrated transportation network across the province.  About $15 Billion is available over 10 years for projects outside the GTHA.

The WOWC consulted with member municipalities, the nine single-tier municipalities in the region and various non-government organizations including the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA) and Transport Action Ontario (TAO).  The submission includes a number of strategic areas, including our $400 Million (over 5 years)  Network Southwest plan.

The WOWC submission can be viewed here:   WOWC-submission to MovingONForward2015-09


In addition, SWOTA issued a letter of support for the WOWC submission, providing more detail on the Network Southwest portion.

The SWOTA letter can be viewed here: SWOTA-supportfor WOWC2015-09-15





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