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Aug 01

National Dream Renewed project

By Transport Action Ontario | Intercity Rail and Bus


The future of Canada’s national passenger rail system is in doubt.  Starved of resources since its inception, VIA Rail services were cut in 2012 and more devastating cuts are to come.


In response to these irresponsible and reckless decisions, Transport Action Canada and its five regional affiliates have launched their nationwide town hall meetings project, the National Dream Renewed.  For further information, consult the website:


To be conducted by Toronto transportation writer and policy advisor Greg Gormick, the National Dream Renewed will inform the public of the vast untapped economic, social and environmental potential of Canada’s national rail passenger service. Canadians will be asked for their views on how VIA can be reformed to sustainably provide a high-quality, cost-effective service similar to that provided in every other industrialized nation. The goal is to produce a blueprint for VIA’s revival and expansion based on the input of Canadians from Atlantic to Pacific to Hudson Bay.


For the third time during its 35-year life, VIA is being forced to make major cuts to what many consider to be already a minimal rail passenger system. A federal government cut of $41 million in VIA operating funds over the next three years has already forced the discontinuance of several VIA trains. More cuts are coming and Canadians will be left with less sustainable, reliable and enjoyable transportation options.


Jun 06

Presentation to Standing Committee: GTHA transportation congestion problems, solutions and funding tools

By Transport Action Ontario | Urban Transit


On June 6, 2012, Transport Action Ontario and the Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods jointly presented to the Standing Committee on General Government at Queen`s Park.  This committee was conducting hearings on their `Study on Grid-Lock in the Greater Toronto Area and National Capital Region`.  Our presentation summarized the background, highlights and conclusions from our recently conducted public forum in Markham on transportation problems, solutions and funding.


Our presentation can be viewed here.

Jan 19

Transport Action Ontario challenges Pickering Airport plans

By Transport Action Ontario | Aviation


This 40 year old plan to build an airport has been raised again recently despite the opposition of local groups and despite the environmental issues around air travel and the destruction of Class I farmland. Transport Action Ontario has long been active on this file, promoting intercity rail as a preferred alternative for trips under about 1000 km.


Here is the latest letter to the federal Minister of Transportation.

Jun 22

Comments on GTA-West Transportation Corridor, June, 2011

By Transport Action Ontario | Highways and Bridges



In June, 2011,  comments were submitted to the project team on this corridor.  These were in follow up to the comments submitted in 2009 and 2010.

Due to the summer season and the pressures of time, it was not possible to obtain a formal review and approval of these comments by the  TAO board of directors.  Therefore the comments were personal ones submitted by Peter Miasek as an individual.  However, it is believed that they do reflect the collective opinion of TAO.


The comments can be viewed here:  GTA-West 2011-06-22