Gardiner East Environmental Assessment – Vertical Alternative

By Transport Action Ontario | Highways and Bridges

Oct 25


Transport Action Ontario is a member of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) for the Gardiner East Environmental Assessment.  Although our preference was for the “Remove” option, where the elevated structure would be replaced by an urban boulevard, Toronto City Council opted  in June, 2015 for the “Hybrid” option, where the elevated expressway function is maintained.


Since that time, the SAC has been involved in evaluating several different options for the Hybrid approach.  All  involve the same vertical alignments as today’s situation, with the Gardiner elevated and Lakeshore Boulevard at grade.  However, at the SAC meeting on October 20, 2015, we proposed an innovative option where Lakeshore Blvd is actually at higher elevation than the expressway near the Don River.    We were requested to submit a written description.


The description was submitted as an email on October 25.

It can be viewed here:  TAO-GardinerEastVerticals2015-10-25